1920's Diamond Wedding Ring
by Gerri
(Croswell, MI)
Grandmothers wedding ring from around 1923?
She was married earlier and her husband passed, she remarried my grandfather and am not sure if this is from her or her late 1st husband.
Wondering the value and what is the metal of the ring? Would like a Insurance value or possibly a selling value? Has a beautiful cut diamond.

Hi Gerri,
This ring has the look of an Edwardian-style antique ring - the filigree work, diamond cut and setting style are all reminiscent of a time when Edwardian styles were making the transition to Art Deco designs. This is especially noticeable by the geometric shape of the setting combined with the filigree work on the ring.
The ring probably is dated to around the early 1920s, or even 10 or 15 years earlier. The type of metal the ring is crafted with, metal of the setting and even the cut of the diamond can help to yield further clues on when the ring may have been made.
As to your questions regarding the resale/insurance value of the ring and the metal the ring was made with, these are questions that can only be answered after the ring has been assessed by an experienced antique jewelry appraiser.
It is impossible to tell what type of metal the ring was made with from a picture (unfortunately!), and other factors which can determine the value of the ring include condition, metals used to make the ring, quality of the workmanship of the ring, size and cut of the diamond and particularly the quality of the diamond - does it contain inclusions or blemishes, what is the diamond grade etc. etc.
This is an exceptionally beautiful antique ring and one I'm sure which will be treasured for generations. It would definitely be worth it - especially for insurance purposes - to have the ring examined and evaluated.
Suzanne Gardner
Everything Wedding Rings