Dating of ring?
by Erica
(Sydney, Australia)
Hi. This ring has been in my family forever and I believe it originated around 1800 - although I am definitely not sure! My family was in India for some of that time as well as England.
I was wondering if you had any idea as to the era or age this ring may be? It is platinum with diamonds and has an amazing filigree around the bottom of the setting.
Thanks so much in advance

Hi Erica,
Wow! This is a beautiful ring – thanks for sharing your pics : )

As far as the date of the ring, this ring practically screams ‘Art Deco’ to me because of the style and materials used to create the ring. I would guess that the ring was made approximately sometime around the 1920s, here’s why:
Diamonds, especially large ones, were not widely available for use in jewelry (and particularly rings) until the Late Victorian Period, 1890 to 1901, when the diamond mines in Africa were in full swing.
Platinum settings for diamonds and gemstones débuted during the Late Victorian period too, but platinum rings were not available until the Edwardian Age – 1901 to 1910. So, we know that the ring was probably not made before the 1900s.
Edwardian rings are known for their use of platinum, filigree work and diamonds – but Edwardian rings often have an open airy and lacy type metalwork style.
During the Art Deco period – 1915 to 1935 – rings were often made with platinum and diamonds. The ring styles of the Art Deco period reflected the artistic cubism movement. Rings of this time often feature large square cut diamonds and linear geometric shapes. The ring in the picture you sent looks like a classic Art Deco ring and a fine representation of cubism art in jewelry.
Platinum went out of use for a period of time after 1935 because all platinum was needed for materials used in World War II - and platinum did not appear again widely in jewelry until the 1950s. It is possible that the ring could be a ‘1950s or later Art Deco replica’ but I doubt it.
Authentic Art Deco rings are highly valued and high in demand because of their unique style and the historical art movement which inspired them.
I would recommend taking the ring to a reputable antique jeweler to have the ring examined and appraised – and then insured and kept in a safe place when it’s not worn.
I hope this info is helpful, and do contact us again if you have any additional questions!
Suzanne Gardner
Everything Wedding Rings