Help me Find the Designer...Please!!!
by Monica
(Orlando, FL)
My boyfriend and I went to consult with a jeweler regarding purchasing a ring that I LOVE. For some odd reason she refused to give us specific information on the ring.
The only thing she told us is that the ring is from Siera, but when we looked at their website the ring was no where to be found. We met with her again and her response was "that it is a discontinued design but still available." We have contacted Siera multiple times without a response! :(
I will try to attach pictures below. Any help or direction in determining the maker of this ring would be more than appreciated.

Hi Monica,
To begin with, designer jewelery pieces usually always have some type of stamp on the inside of the pieces to identify the company which made them. This ring, if it is from a designer company, should have a maker's mark stamp on the inside of the ring.

I would visit the Siera website and call them (the number for the company is posted on the home page of the website). Ask the representative what type of maker's mark you should expect to see on the company's rings - and then double check to see if the ring does indeed have that stamp. If it doesn't have that stamp, then you will know it was not produced by this company.
You can also ask the representative who could help you to identify a discontinued style. Since you have pictures of the ring, you should be able to email the pics to someone in the company who can help you to find out when the ring was made and what the exact style is (if it is indeed from this company).
I am concerned though that the jeweler is not providing you with more information. At the very least, you should have a GIA or AGS certificate on the diamond - and the jeweler should have pointed out to you the maker's mark on the inside of the ring which identifies who made the ring.
Please use caution before purchasing this ring. Call Siera and double check the maker's mark and ask the jeweler about a reputable laboratory certification report on the diamond. It is a beautiful ring, but you should have as much information as possible about the ring (and the diamond) to make sure you are not paying more than the ring is worth.
I hope this info is helpful - good luck on your search and congratulations on your engagement! : )
Suzanne Gardner
Everything Wedding Rings