Iridium Rings
by Grace
(Melbourne, Australia)
As I understand, close to 100% iridium rings are only produced by American Elements since 2009. Are they still the only company producing close to 100% iridium rings? If not, could I please get the names of the other companies?
Thank you,

Hi Grace,
As of now, the only manufacturer I know of that produces 100% iridium rings is still American Elements. I have seen a few advertisements for iridium rings online from other retailers, but when I follow the links it turns out that they do not really make iridium rings.

Part of the reason that more jewelers are not expanding into the iridium market is because it is so difficult to work with - it is an extremely hard metal that has a phenomenally high melting point. Most jewelers and retailers do not have the equipment that is necessary to work with this metal - and will probably not invest in the equipment until the iridium ring market begins to grow and expand (if it ever does). Hope this info is helpful!
Suzanne Gardner
Everything Wedding Rings
Iridium Wedding Bands
What do you know about iridium wedding bands? - Sabrina

Hi Sabrina,
100% iridium rings have only recently become available, and to my knowledge the only company which currently offers these rings is American Elements. So what is iridium and how will iridium perform as a wedding ring?
Iridium is a precious transition metal that is a member of the platinum family. It is a rare silvery white metal and it is also extremely dense. Because of its rarity, iridium has only been used in jewelry making as a small part of platinum/iridium alloys until now.
The pros of iridium wedding rings? These unique rings are made from an extremely rare metal and they will probably only increase in value with time; while iridium is extremely rare, iridium wedding rings are somewhat affordable with a price range of between approximate $1200 - $4000.
The cons of iridium wedding rings? Iridium is a brittle metal and theoretically if the ring is exposed to a hard knock or blow the ring could crack – although American Elements does offer a warranty if the rings crack or break - styles of iridium rings are also only available in limited men’s and women's ring designs and iridium rings are very heavy due to the density of the metal. One other con: iridium rings cannot be resized.
How iridium wedding rings will perform over a lifetime remains to be seen. As these rings have just recently come onto the market, it may be years before we receive any consumer reviews on how well the rings hold up to long term wear.